Nollywood Star Ruth Kadiri Cries Out Over Vaccine Shortage for Nigerian Babies


Nollywood actress and producer, Ruth Kadiri, recently expressed her concern about the scarcity of immunisation vaccines in Nigerian hospitals. Kadiri shared her distress, revealing that her own daughter has gone without vaccinations for over a year due to the unavailability of vaccines at healthcare facilities.

Speaking out on the issue, Kadiri highlighted that mothers across the nation are encountering similar challenges in accessing essential vaccines for their children. Taking to her Instagram page, the renowned movie star urged the federal government to swiftly address the pressing vaccination shortage gripping the country.

In her Instagram post, Kadiri wrote, “My nurse just informed me there are no vacancies for babies at the hospital! Mothers are facing the same vaccination issues. Federal Government, please look into this. My daughter needs her immunisation. Over one year and counting. Help our babies.”

Kadiri’s plea sheds light on a critical healthcare concern affecting countless families in Nigeria. With the spotlight now on this issue, there is hope for urgent action to be taken by authorities to ensure the availability of life-saving vaccines for infants nationwide

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