Rivers CJ sets up alternative dispute resolution unit to save court’s time

Justice Simeon Amadi, the Chief Judge of Rivers State has approved the setting up of an Alternative Dispute Resolution unit within the state judiciary.

According to him, the new unit will be domiciled within the premises of the Customary Court of Appeal in the state, adding that the move is aimed at “decongesting” the regular court.

Speaking during a meeting with a delegation from Babes Bolyai University, Romanian and the University of Port Harcourt on Friday, the Chief Judge also announced the approval for the registration of Multi-Door Court Houses across the Local Government areas of the state.

He said judges are being over laboured with cases, explaining that the multi-door court system will reduce the number of cases that come to court.

He said, “certain matters will not be brought in the court”.

Justice Amadi maintained that the use of Alternative Dispute Resolution will “save time and resources” and remains the easiest means of conflict resolution.