It’s that time of the month again and the bills are due for payment. The guys swagger down the street, the ladder in the van trailing behind them. They are the reigning kings for the moment. Walking from house to house, they threaten to disconnect the consumer who has defaulted in paying his bills. Anxious to remain on the good side of these “super” powers, the unassuming consumer tries to negotiate with these officials. The obvious conclusion: underhand deals and exchange of currency that swiftly makes its way into the pocket of said official. Woe betide the consumer who fails to negotiate or is unable to meet the payment demand on the spot.
Sadly, this is the prevalent case among consumers of electricity and Distribution Companies responsible for the supply of electricity in Nigeria. The idea that Distribution Companies can arbitrarily disconnect a consumer’s electricity supply for non-payment of bills is a falsehood perpetuated by Distribution Companies and facilitated by ignorant us.
Of course you should ensure you pay your bills, and on time, too. That is, after all, your obligation as a responsible citizen. In situations, however, where such payments are delayed due to financial constraints, you’ve got at least 3 months and 2 weeks from the date you get your bill before your electricity can be disconnected.
Uh-huh, you heard that right. THREE months and TWO weeks! The Distribution Company has a duty to inform the consumer in writing of its intention to disconnect electricity supply where there has been a default in payment by the consumer. Three months after the payments are due and unpaid, the Distribution Company then has the authority to disconnect a consumer’s electricity supply. But not until then. These regulations are outlined here for the benefit of the consumer. Click here: and read Regulation 5(1)(a) – (f).
So, the next time that Distribution Company’s official struts down your street and threatens to disconnect you for non-payment of your electricity bill, stand your ground and demand the enforcement of your right. No more under-the-table deals and arbitrary disconnection. And if, in spite of it all, your electricity is disconnected, lodge a complaint.
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