Degema needs more – Dagogo

Lawmaker representing Degema Constituency in the Rivers State House of Assembly, Hon. Farah Dagogo, has called for additional projects for his Constituency in the 2018 State Budget.

He made this know at the floor of the state house of assembly during a debate for the second reading of the 2018 appropriation Bill.

Farah Dagogo, said while his constituents ‘ appreciate Governor Nyesom Wike’s infrastructural renewal ‘, the call for more projects will only speed up the long awaited development of Degema.

The lawmaker, who also doubles as the House Committee Chairman on Education, also applauded the Governor for the ‘ massive allocation ‘ to the education sector.

” The people of Degema Constituency were delighted on Thursday, 11th January, 2018 as they all watched and listened to the live transmission of the presentation of the 2018 Budget christened ‘Budget of Consolidation, advancement and empowerment’ , by our amiable Governor, His Excellency Chief (Barr.) E N Wike, CON’

” The title of the Budget is not only apt, but evokes a sincere determination of a government willing to consolidate on the gains achieved in infrastructure and social renaissance, advancement in the existing order as well as empowerment of our teeming population in a period that our national economy is stroke by poverty, hunger and starvation. That is to say that this Appropriation bill, already christened budget of consolidation and development, is also an exceptional excellence”

” The 2018 budget as presented by the Governor which we all have here, promises to be egalitarian in nature as no single Local Government is denied access to projects”

” For the people of Degema Local Government whom I represent, some projects have been proposed to be constructed, not undermining the appropriation to existing ones. However, like Oliver Twist, while we we applaud the good intentions of the Governor in infrastructural renewal, we urge His Excellency to consider more Projects for Degema Constituency, ” he explained.

He posited that the ‘ ambitious but achievable budget proposal’ would be a success ” if well funded”

” I thank the Governor and the Executive Council for coming up with this ambitious but achievable proposal. I am sure that this Appropriation, if well funded, would accelerate development in the State ” he added.


  1. Okay. Degema should get all the projects for the rest of the state to get nothing, right? Okay na! 2019 is just ahead! You’re on your way back to Degema!

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