
Adorable photos show a gorilla hug her keeper in Congo
Ula-Ikata: the 21st-century ghost town trying to rebuild.
Man dies during marathon sex with food vendor
Prince Charles Will Walk Meghan Markle Down the Aisle at the Royal Wedding
121 years old Mexican man says work is key to long life.
Who will walk Meghan Markle down the aisle? Definitely not her father
10th Coronation Anniversary of HRH King (Mene) Suanu T.Y Baridam, AMB. P, JP (Pictures)
This Is How Eating Fast Food Affects Your Ability To Get Pregnant
Women who eat junk food take longer to get pregnant and are unlikely to conceive within a YEAR, study finds
Bra Care: 5 things you need to take care of while washing your bra
Conversations every girl should have with her partner’s parents before getting married
5 women reveal what being independent means to them