Following the rising rate of moral decadence in society, parents have been urged to employ more stringent measures in the upbringing of their children and wards.
In an interview with our Correspondent in Port Harcourt on the need to curb the menace of increasing juvenile delinquency, the President of the Opobo Women Welfare Association (OWWA), Amaopuorubo Felicia Pepple, argued that most parents should be blamed for the vices perpetrated by some youths. These include teenage pregnancy, prostitution, cybercrime, armed robbery, assassination, thuggery, drug abuse, and addiction.
Amaopuorubo Pepple maintained that the lackadaisical attitude of some parents towards the upbringing of their children from an early stage in life had caused more harm than good in society.
She stressed that parents should bequeath to their children a worthy and quality legacy of profitable character for a brighter future while urging the youths to shun evil communication that corrupts good manners.
However, Amaopuorubo Pepple also called on the government and relevant authorities to create avenues to engage the youths in meaningful ventures that would keep them away from committing crimes.
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