Nigerian award-winning Singer Peter Okoye of hip hop and afrobeat duo P Square Undergoes Hair Transplant In Turkey, Europe.

Turkey is home to a lot of cosmetic surgery and body modifications. Nigerian singer, Peter Okoye, also called Mr. P., has revealed that he is undergoing a hair transplant in Istanbul, Turkey. Okoye shared the news on his Instagram story on Wednesday, posting a video captioned “Say goodbye to baldness.”

In the video, Okoye revealed that he is at MedHair Clinic in Istanbul, Turkey where he is being treated by a professional doctor.

“You guys know that I’ve been uncomfortable about it,” Okoye said in the video, adding, “But see the before and after of the magic this guy is about to do.”

Okoye continued explaining in the next video, saying, “The extraction part is done; we have about 2,400. I feel better 100%, just to look good for you guys.”

On Thursday morning, Okoye shared another video update, showing the progress of the first day of his transplant. The caption for the video read, “Day 1. It is well.”

It was reported in February this year that Nigerian record producer and singer, John Udomboso, aka Young Jonn, underwent successful hair transplant surgery.

He was said to have done the surgery in a bid to reclaim his receding hairline. Hair transplants are now trending among celebrities as they do not want to age or cheat Mother Nature. Would you undergo a hair transplant? And which celebrity is next in line to visit Turkey.

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