Suspected cultists kill four in Rivers

No less than four persons have been killed by gunmen suspected to be cultists in the Rundele community, the Emohua Local Government Area of Rivers State.

It was gathered that two of the victims identified Endurance and Aboy, who were members of a local vigilante group known as the Rundele Security and Peace Advisory Council, were beheaded by the attackers.

A source who spoke on condition of anonymity said, “The RUSPAC members were taken unaware as they were allegedly attacked while they were having a rest.

“After killing them, their heads were displayed in a place called Station in the community.”

The source alleged that the suspects were members of the Dey-Gbam cult group who escaped from the community and later regrouped to launch the onslaught.

Confirming the incident, the spokesperson for the state Police Public Relations Officer, Grace Iringe-Koko, said the development was a clash between two rival gangs.

She said though no arrest has been made, an investigation was ongoing to apprehend the culprits.