People find themselves in dangerous situations at least once in their lifetime. To stay safe during such situations, we have gathered some safety tips that should always be in mind.
- When walking alone.
- Try finding a route that is more crowded or has open businesses.
- If you feel someone is following you, prepare a self-defence tool. It can be your keys, your phone, or any other heavy or harmful object.
- Set up an emergency call on your phone, and press the button immediately if you feel something is about to happen.
- If you’re being attacked, scream. Screaming is one of the best ways to scare the assaulter away and draw the attention of others to your situation. If you try to fight your attacker, aim at the eyes, throat, head, and crotch. You can also use your nails to scratch their face.
- Learning some self-defence moves is also a great idea.
- Internet dating
To make sure you are safe when going on dates, do the following:
- Do some background googling on your date. No, it’s not creepy! Knowing who this person really is might be very helpful.
- Just like with any other date, make sure your family knows where you’re going and when you will be back (again, emergency apps are a must!).
- Choose crowded places for a first date: coffee shops, restaurants, and movie theatres.
- Do not agree to go on a date late at night. Lunch is probably the best option.
- Keep most of your personal details private. You don’t want a potential stalker to know where you’re heading this weekend!
- Communicate via an app, not your phone number. This will save you from phone calls or text harassment.
- If the date is in the evening, head back home immediately after it’s over. Stay safe.
- Smartphone safety.
To stay safe if your smartphone gets stolen, you must protect yourself by doing these things:
- Protect your phone with a password or another type of locking system.
- Have up-to-date antivirus software installed?
- Back up your photos and videos often.
- Do not store any sensitive information on your phone.
- Avoid using your phone on public hotspots.
- If you have an iPhone, turn on a tracking system to track down your phone if it’s stolen. If it’s Android, install a tracking app to see where your device is remote.
- Social media security
It would help if you always were careful about what you post on social media. But think about how easily criminals can use your information, such as photos or videos, in their deeds. To stay safe, follow these guidelines:
- Be careful about what you post online. Avoid explicit photos or videos — they might get stolen and used terribly.
- Protect your accounts with a secure password, and use different ones on each account.
- Check the privacy policy of each social network, and choose the one that maintains the strictest rules on user content.
- Make sure you don’t overdo the geotags. This is how criminals find out where you spend most of your time.
- Do not add people you don’t know.
- Turn your profile to private if that is an option.
- It is better to keep a few accounts than a dozen.
- If you have a child, install apps to help you see what your kid posts online and their overall internet interaction.
- Travelling alone.
When travelling alone, here are some safety tips to help you:
- Know your route in detail.
- Provide your family and friends with the details of your trip.
- Enter local emergency phone numbers in your contact list, especially if you’re travelling abroad.
- Try to avoid travelling by hitchhiking. If you find yourself inside an unfamiliar vehicle or with strangers, do not tell them anything about where you’re heading or your personal information. But be prepared to have a conversation (you might be travelling for a few hours, so don’t be antisocial). If you feel unsafe, do not use the brake as it may cause an accident. Leave the car immediately after it stops at a traffic light or slows down. Choose to get into a car at gas stations and truck stops.
- Have your passport, money, and phone close to yourself (get a fanny pack or a small backpack).
- Have a pepper spray or other type of defence system ready.