NUPENG protest: Rivers NSCDC Commandant removed, CG orders investigation into selling of seized products

By Florence Uwaeme

Dr Ahmed Abubakar Audi, the Commandant General of Nigeria and Civil Defence Corps NSCDC (NSCDC) has removed the Rivers State Commandant, Micheal Ogar.

Ogar was also directed to hand over the affairs of the Command to his Deputy, pending the deployment of a substantive State Commandant.

The CG also instituted a high-powered investigative panel to investigate the blockage of the Rivers State Command of the NSCDC’s entrance by members of the Nigeria Union of Petroleum and Natural Gas Workers (NUPENG).

NUPENG had on Wednesday alleged that the Rivers State Command disregarded due process in handling the case of three petroleum tankers impounded and handed over to the NSCDC Rivers State by the Nigerian Army on 4th November 2022.

Reacting to the allegation, the Command said the act by NUPENG was borne out of the union’s refusal to accept the forfeiture of the three tankers, adding that the Command obtained the forfeiture order from the Federal High Court 6, Port Harcourt Judicial Division on 20th to December 2022.

Audi, in a statement on Thursday through the Director, Public Relations at the NSCDC Headquarters, Commandant Olusola Odumosu, said the investigation committee headed by the DCG in charge of Operations, Dauda Mungadi, is to objectively investigate the role played by the State Commandant and members of the Command Anti-vandal team in the crisis.

While expressing shock at the action NUPENG took, the NSCDC boss insisted that it painted a surprising scenario and an unwarranted contradiction to the ideals of the Corps.

Dr Audi also noted that humility and integrity in service delivery are the watchwords of the Corps; as such, any breach of trust or suspected compromise by any person will not be treated with kids’ gloves.

He said: “I have constituted a high-powered committee to conduct a full-scale investigation into the incident in Port Harcourt.

“Nigerians know we are the lead agency in protecting critical government assets and infrastructure.

“Therefore, under my watch, no indiscipline, compromise or sabotage would be condoned from anyone within and outside the Corps.

“I have given the committee a marching order to ascertain the role played by either of the parties, and anyone found guilty would be severely dealt with in accordance with the provisions of the law.”