Rivers Muslims sympathies with victims of collapsed Zaria mosque

The Rivers State Muslim community has sympathized with the victims of the collapsed Zaria central mosque, in Kaduna State.
It was reported that a section of the 150-year-old mosque, collapsed on Friday, killing eight worshipers and leaving 25 others injured.
One of the survivors, Mallam Shehu Nagari, said the incident happened when they were in the second Sujud of Asr prayer.
According to him, the affected portion of the mosque suddenly collapsed on those sitting directly under it.
Speaking with our correspondent, the state Islamic Leader and Vice President – General of the Rivers State Council for Islamic Affairs, Alhaji Nasir Uhor expressed their sympathy with the victims, the emir of Zaria, and the entire Muslim community in Zaria.
He said: “The incident is bad and unfortunate and we sympathize with those affected as well as the entire Muslim community in Zaria.
“We, therefore, call for integrity test to be carried out on all old mosques to ascertain their fitness.
“Age-long mosques should be supported with new and modern materials to strengthen them. While retaining the historic value of the age-long mosques, the structures of the mosques must be strong enough to avert further collapse.”
The Islamic leader also prayed Allah to accept the souls of those who died in the incident and the quick healing of the injured, adding that they died while rendering their worship to Allah.