PDP: ‘APC, its administration have become sanctuaries of known and self-confessed terrorists’

The Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) has called out rival party, All Progressives Congress (APC) for their involvement in the current crisis in Nigeria, one of which is the death of Ahmed Gulak, an APC party chieftain.

A statement released through the party’s National Publicity Secretary, Kola Ologbondiyan, it insisted that it stands firmly by its findings and declaration that the All Progressives Congress (APC) and its leaders are responsible for the killings, bloodletting and acts of terrorism in the country.

“The PDP asserts that the resort to blackmail, threats and attack on the PDP and other well-meaning Nigerians as witnessed in APC’ statement today, in which it attempted to trivialize, politicize and dismiss the alarming violence in the country, cannot deter the PDP from further exposing the atrocities of the APC and its leaders.

“Our party insists that every material evidence shows that the APC and its leaders are implementing their Janjaweed agenda to balkanize and destroy our nation through their unholy body language, divisive policies, violent acts, abuse of human rights, disregard to our national sensibilities and shameful patronizing of terrorists and bandits, which have led to widespread killings, violence and dissonances across our nation”.

PDP declared that the APC administration have become home for terrorists and individuals known to liaise with bandits, blaming victims of violence instead of going after the assailants and bringing them to face the law.

“The APC and its administration have become sanctuaries of known and self-confessed terrorism apologists and individuals known to openly romance with bandits and terrorists.”

“The APC and its government would rather blame victims of violence instead of going after the assailants and bringing them to book as witnessed in the case of the 43 rice farmer killed by terrorists in Borno as well as the murder of the former political adviser to erstwhile President Goodluck Joanthan, Barr. Ahmed Gulak.”

The Peoples Democratic Party further accused APC of politicizing the murder of Ahmed Gulak, which happened within the jurisdiction of a state under its control, insisting that they were to ‘forcefully’ condemn the act, giving a definite standing order to bring the culprits to book.

PDP expressed dismay over attacks from APC for exposing its failures and involvement in the violence and killings in the country, which they tagged “mark of leadership failure.”

“It is rather absurd and a mark of leadership failure that the APC is attacking the PDP for exposing its failures and complicity in the violence and killings in our country but has failed to provide answers to revelations that many of the bandits, terrorists and kidnappers ravaging our nation are political mercenaries it imported, as criminal thugs, to assist it to unleash violence on Nigerians during elections.

“These APC mercenaries, having no stake in our national life, are now killing and maiming Nigerians and turning their evil enterprise, emboldened by the APC, into a lucrative venture by extorting money through huge ransoms.

“Of course, it is no longer news that parents of kidnapped students of Greenfield University Kaduna paid N180 million and motorcycles to the abductor to secure the release of their children and wards. Just on the heels of the release of the university students, over 200 students were abducted from another school in Tegina, Niger state.”

They challenged APC to come clean on the involvement of its leaders with criminal elements and why it has not been in opposition against the constant kidnapping of students and killings in various parts of the country.