Ogoni: Father beats children to stupor for stealing his piece of meat

By Brave Dickson

It took the intervention of neighbors to save the lives of three children whose father viciously beaten them to a stupor for stealing his piece of goat meat in Bomu Community, in Gokana Local Government Area of Rivers State.

Ziganu Berebon is said to be a father of six and was reported to have went out while leaving some pieces of goat meat in his house and upon his arrival met incomplete amount of goat meat.

Eyewitness reports that trouble started when he interrogated his children and his children led by Tombari Ziganu confessed to having eaten the piece of meat without their father’s consent.

The angry father pounded on the kids who were between ages 3 – 6, with severe beating that forced the children into an unconscious state.

The saving grace of the children was their neighbours who quickly intervened and resuscitated the dying children back to life.

Tension was heightened as some neighbors got angry at the man for almost killing his children over a piece of stolen meat.

Another neighbor, Steven Vizua had wanted to slap the man as it was gathered that lack of food at home necessitated the children to steal the piece of meat.

Other neighbors decided to invite the police in order to deter the man from taking such action against his children again.

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