Health workers issue 21 days notice to Rivers gov’t

Tina Amanda

The Rivers State branch of the National Association of Primary Healthcare workers has issued a 21-day notice to the Rivers State Government to comply with the payment of their Consolidated health Salary Structure

The health workers in a statement by the​ Association’s Chairman Daniel Atiemie lamented the failure of the Rivers State Government to pay​ the new​ National minimum wage including absence of promotion of primary Healthcare workers for the past 10 years.

Other agitations by the workers include the refusal of Rivers State government to​ transfer the salaries of Health workers to the State government.

The Association Chairman Daniel Atemie regretted that despite appeals by the Rivers State Government asking​ the association to withdraw a matter instituted at the INDUSTRIAL COURT for out of COURT Settlement, the state government has continued to renege on its part of the bargain.

The Association, therefore, urged​ the Rivers State government to oblige the promises made to address all issues that affect the legitimate Rights of Primary Health Care Workers in the State or leave them with no option than to go back to Industrial court to continue seeking for justice.