Common Sense 34

Baron Roy

In 1934, South Africa became a self-governing country under British Rule. The Boers (White South Africans) were in charge of the country. In 1948, the Apartheid Policy was introduced and an Apartheid Constitution was enacted. The Black Africans were subjugated and segregated from the Whites. The Whites owned everything while the Blacks starved! It was seen at the time as legitimate policy.

Quite a lot of Black South Africans at the time believed that it was supposed to be so and took things in stride. A few educated ones like Nelson Mandela, Desmond Tutu among others, would have none of it. They rallied their people to think differently and urged them to reject the policy. Many Black South Africans saw them as troublemakers that wanted to destroy their semblance of balance. They were serially betrayed and hunted by the White Government. Many Blacks that betrayed them were “rewarded”. But those Leaders of Thoughts were relentless.

In 1961, South Africa declared independence from the British. In 1964, Mandela was jailed.

The Anti-Apartheid Movement grew overnight. There were now far more people that hated the Apartheid Policy and Constitution than ever before. The South Africans didn’t just lay down and accept their fate; they battled the White Government in every way conceivable. Boycott was a major tool! They boycotted everything in sight! My Goodness! They virtually pecked away at that Constitution and the evil policy. The South Africans did not give the Apartheid Government any breathing space! The government on the other hand felt morally and legally justified to suppress the Black South Africans; they built huge jails and threw them in prisons at will. When the prisons were filled up, they shot them…They divvied up the people into Bantustans (read the divvying of Nigerians into silly states to keep them under control; our states are synonymous to the Bantustans of the Apartheid South Africa)

The Black South Africans were dealt with by the White Government, but NEVER did the Blacks give up! The siege on the White Government was so complete that in 1992, White only government voted by a whopping 68% to have universal democracy. By 1993, a draft Constitution of the People was agreed to by all. And a new South Africa was birthed; the envy of all Africans today.

Exactly the same situation occurs in Nigeria. The “Whites” are the Caliphate led by Fulani; the 1999 Constitution is an Apartheid Constitution written by the Fulani. The majority of the non-Caliphate Nigerians have been locked down and access to governance limited to a few dictated by the North. People are being shot during protests, those who criticize the government are locked at will, allegations on reformers and opponents of this dreadful Constitution, judiciary and police controlled by one individual in Abuja called president. Apartheid is real and thriving in Nigeria.

Unlike the Black South Africans, what did Nigerians do in the face of their Apartheid Constitution? They joined APC and PDP in droves and pander to the same Constitution that represses them! They say they would make apartheid work in their favor as long as their own “White” official gets elected.

Just look at the two scenarios above and ask yourself where Nigerians were on the day Common Sense was being shared…

We are a very sorry lot; we deserve to be ruled by Somalians or Afghans!

We must #restructureOrBurst or choke on this apartheid Constitution!

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