Ex-militants beg companies to return to Niger Delta

Ex-agitators have pleaded with companies that relocated from the Niger Delta following insecurity initiated by militancy to return to the region.

The former militants, in their plea, promised the companies uninterrupted peace on their return.

Speaking during a regional peace summit to sensitise people on the need to advance the peace currently enjoyed in the region, in Yenagoa, the Bayelsa State capital, the warlords condemned the increase of illegal refineries.

They maintained that the surge in illegal refining activities had adversely affected development.

In his remarks, ex-agitator Pastor Nature Dumale Kieghe said they have resolved to work for a new and better Niger Delta in line with the vision of the Interim Administrator, Presidential Amnesty Programme (PAP), Col. Milland Dixon Dikio (retd).

According to him, “It is important to sensitise our people towards a peaceful Niger Delta and create a friendly environment that will attract development, multinational companies and other foreign investors to the region.

“Companies that have left the Niger Delta because of insecurity need to return; this is the purpose for sensitisation. We are blessed with an environment that is supposed to prosper us; we can only enjoy our natural resources if there is a peaceful environment.”