Uzodinma reassures residents of safety

The Governor of Imo state, Hope Uzodinma has reassured residents of safety, while sympathizing with families of those who lost their lives in recent crisis witnessed in the state.

Uzodinma, who addressed Imo citizens in a live broadcast on Monday, expressed sadness over the recent killings in the state, stating that the pain of losing a loved one is a moment no one should ever have to bear. His address read:

“Ndị Imo, it is with a very heavy heart that I come your way today. The pain of losing a person or loved one, the horror of holding your family member in his or her final moments, the anger of someone being so reckless, so thoughtless that their bullet destroyed your life, are emotions no individual should ever have to endure.

“I sympathize with the families of those who lost their lives through stray bullets during this period. As you know, the death of anyone diminishes mankind. But the brutal and callous assassination of Alhaji Ahmed Gulak yesterday, Sunday, May 30th, 2021 on his way to the Sam Mbakwe Cargo Airport, is painful because he did not deserve to die that way.

“I will urge everybody to exercise restraint and allow the police to continue with their investigations, which I understand is already yielding positive results as some arrests have already been made. I commend the police for their speed so far in handling the present security breaches in the state.

“Imo people are very hospitable. The events of the last few weeks do not represent who we truly are. I believe that the ongoing police investigations will uncover the whole truth; it is common knowledge that those who are innocent need not be afraid. But the guilty will never go scot-free, certainly not in this instant case.

“Let me also through this medium commiserate with relations and families of victims of kidnapping, armed robberies, banditry and stray bullets in Imo state and to inform you that the government has been reaching out and will continue to reach out to all other victims.

“May I on behalf of my family, the government and the good people of Imo state convey my heartfelt condolences to the immediate family of Alhaji Ahmed Gulak, the government and the people of Adamawa state and the families of our brothers and sisters in Imo state who lost their lives during this period.

“Let me reassure you that Imo State government is committed to finding and punishing the killers.
Above all it is our fervent prayers that God in his infinite mercy shall grant us the fortitude to bear these devastating and shocking losses of these our beloved ones.”