IGP not holding unto any straw – Police

The Nigeria Police, yesterday, in Abuja said the Inspector General of Police (IGP), Ibrahim Idris, was not holding unto any straw over his non-appearance at the Senate, but to the country’s rule of law.

It said Senate’s invitation to the IGP was based on the inhuman treatment meted out on Senator Dino Melaye over allegations of criminal conspiracy and not on security concerns.

The Force Public Relations Officer, Jimoh Moshood, in a statement also said the claim by the Office of the Senate President on purported list of killings in Nigeria in 2018 was capable of worsening the security situation in the country.

Moshood noted that it is mischievous and heinous to play politics with people’s lives, even if it is just a soul, adding that the statement is speculative and not supported by any fact.

He said killings in some parts of the country are being addressed by the Force and other national security and safety agencies, stressing that normalcy has been restored in most of the affected areas and hundreds of suspects directly responsible for these acts have been arrested and are being prosecuted.

According to him, over 5000 prohibited firearms have been recovered across the federation in the ongoing mop-up operation.

There is nowhere in the world where security matters are discussed on national television.

Even the Senate’s deliberations and decisions on the IGP’s appearance were done in closed session. One wonders why the Force’s security strategies to tackle killings in the country would be discussed on national television.”

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