Rivers: Suspected cultists kill man in Diobu

Tina Amanda

A young man in his mid-twenties, popularly known as Asari has been killed by suspected cultists at Ekwe Street, Ikwerre Road, Mile 3 Diobu, Port Harcourt.

The deceased was killed on Wednesday night around 7:55 pm when armed men numbering about five came out from a car, shot him thrice, and fled the scene.

Our correspondent who visited the scene gathered from sources that the killing was a result of a supremacy war between two suspected factions of Degbam cult groups (History and Blackies Houses) that are affiliated to D12 and BS houses of Degbam cult groups, respectively.

The groups were said to have engaged in a shoot out at Elechi Beach Mile 1 Diobu Port Harcourt on Tuesday 18, April 2023, and two persons were feared dead despite the police confirming no life was lost.

It was also gathered that the shooting caused severe chaos as passersby, road users, and commuters scampered for safety while roadside traders within the scene closed business for the day.

The Chief Security Officer of Nkpolu Oroworukwo Mile 3 Diobu, under Diobu Vigilante Group, Comrade Godstime Ihunwo, who spoke to our correspondent, said late Asari was shot dead and unknown gunmen made away with his corpse.

“At about 8 pm yesterday, 19 April 2023, we heard two gunshots at Ekwe Street, IKwerre Road, opposite Bishop Okoye Street, and we quickly rushed down to the scene and saw a young man known as ‘Asari’ lying dead and immediately we approached the Nkpolu Police station to tender our report.

“As we and the Police were returning to inspect the corpse, we got a report that some unknown gunmen drove with one Jetta and one Mazda and made away with the corpse.

“I want to seize this opportunity to call on the general public to remain calm and go about their lawful activities as the Police and the vigilantes are on the ground to restore sanity in the area”.

When contacted, the spokesperson for Rivers State Police Command, SP Grace Iringe Koko, confirmed the killing at Ekwe/Ikwerre Road, Mile 3 Diobu.

She said it was due to cult rivalry, noting that the Commissioner of Police, CP Effiong Okon, has mandated tactical teams and other officers to fish out the perpetrators and sponsors of the cult clashed while investigation is ongoing.