Port Harcourt youths hold #EndSARS procession

Youths in Port Harcourt, the Rivers State capital, on Wednesday joined in the #EndSARS memorial to commemorate those who lost their lives during the #EndSARS protests last year.

The memorial procession was held across major cities in the country, including Lagos and Abuja.

The procession in Port Harcourt kicked off at 4 p.m around the popular Waterlines junction.

The youths marched through the streets in the company of security operatives, demanding that an immediate implementation of the recommendations of the panel of inquiries set up by state governments to tackle cases of police brutality.

They also demanded the prosecution of police officers found guilty, including a total reformation of the police.

During the memorial procession, some youths shared their experiences with the disbanded Special Anti-Robbery Squad (SARS) unit of the Nigerian Police Force.

Speaking on behalf of the protesters, the Chairman of the Rivers state Coalition of Civil Society organizations, Enefa George, demanded an immediate release of some protesters arrested by security operatives across the country.

According to him, “We are angry that the Nigerian states deviated from implementing the recommendations of their own panels.

“Up till now, police officers who killed and caused bodily harm on Nigerians were yet to be prosecuted. We are also saying those they said they will compensate are yet to be compensated.”

The highlight of the event was a candlelight procession for the souls of those who died due to police brutality.