Islamic leader congratulates Rivers born graduands of Egyptian school

By Brave Dickson

The State Islamic Leader and Vice President General, Rivers State Council for Islamic Affairs (RSCIA), Alhaji Nasir Awhelebe Uhor has felicitated with the three graduands of NAIM School of Arabic and Islamic Studies from Rivers State extraction.

Alhaji Uhor equally used the opportunity to praise the proprietor and staff of the international Arabic and Quranic school in Cairo, Egypt for their dedication and professionalism, urging them not to relent in their efforts.

According to a statement made available to our correspondent, the state Islamic leader who spoke as a special guest at the graduation ceremony recently held at the school premises in Cairo, Egypt stressed the need for the Muslim world to prioritize family education.

He said, “having a planned and well educated family remains one of the surest way of reducing poverty, ignorance, diseases, as well as falling prey to dangerous unislamic doctrines currently ravaging the Muslim world.
“Although, Allah did not limit the number of children a family should have but He laid emphasis on their adequate provision and proper education and also ordered child spacing as part of family planning.
“It is unislamic to have children who will end up in the streets for recruitment as criminals and foot soldiers against Islam, Muslims and the society at large.”
The State Islamic leader who was accompanied by his wife, Hajia Hauwa and son, Sa’eed hailed the graduands, advising them to build on what they have learnt.
“Reciprocate the sacrifices of your parents by being obedient and committed to your studies because there is no better gift than the quality education being given to you, “Alhaji Uhor enjoined the graduands.
The three Rivers State indigenes who were among the 26 graduands drawn from different countries included two sisters from the loins of Alhaji Uhor.
They are Hajia Rasheeda Umashi Uhor, Amina Etonwana Uhor and Alhaji David Azhiloluka Ideozu, all from Ahoada East Local Government Area of Rivers State
Other countries with graduands and students in and from the school included: the United States of America, Ireland, Canada, Senegal among others.

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