Analysts disagree with INEC over registration of new political parties

The decision by the Independent National Electoral Commission, INEC to register additional political parties have elicited reactions.

Some Analyst who spoke to our correspondent said the move by the electoral umpire to register more political parties few months to the 2019 polls will not augur well for the nation’s democratic process.

Other respondents stressed that there is nothing wrong if INEC decides to register more political parties in compliance with relevant provisions of the electoral laws and guidelines.

Meanwhile, Secretary of the Nigerian union of journalist south-south, Opaka Dokubo says registering more political parties bringing the total number of political parties to 91 will lead to a situation where political parties without out good ideologies that will serve the interest of the people will emerge.

On his part, public affairs analyst Mathew Kalio is of the view that political parties that are not able to win elective positions during elections should not be recognized by INEC any longer.

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