Army detains retired Captain in Port Harcourt

A network of social justice crusaders, the Akwa Ibom Human Rights Community has appealed to the Nigerian Army to release Captain Iniobong Ekong (rtd) who is currently being detained by the 6 Brigade of the Army in Port Harcourt.

The group in a press statement issued by the group’s coordinator Mr Clifford Thomas and made available to newsmen said that the army authorities in Rivers State, the 6 Brigade recently invited Captain Iniobong Ekong (rtd), a peaceful and law-abiding citizen of Akwa Ibom extraction, to the Brigade headquarters in Port Harcourt.

According to the statement: “On honouring this invitation on the 22nd day of February 2019; he was promptly arrested and detained since then, efforts by his family members, lawyers or doctors to reach him are said to have proved abortive.

“As a civilian and law-abiding citizen, his fundamental rights are guaranteed by the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, particularly, Chapter IV, and the African Charter on Human and Peoples Rights, as domesticated in Nigeria.

“To hold him beyond the statutorily required time is not only a violation of the Constitution and other extant laws, but it also makes Nigeria an offending state actor in the international community; having agreed to uphold, respect and implement these international human rights instruments.

“Should the army authorities have anything against him, they should bring up a proper charge, and arraign him in a regular court of law”


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