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Reps change 2019 elections timetable.

The House of Representatives on Tuesday amended the Electoral Act to change the order of 2019 general elections’ time table.

This came barely a month after the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) released the time-table for the general elections.

With the amendment, the National Assembly election is to hold first, followed by gubernatorial and state assembly polls and presidential election to be conducted last.

The amendment was made at the Committee of the whole House, presided by the Deputy Speaker, Yussuff Lasun.

The lawmakers amended the Act while considering the report of the House Committee on Electoral Matters which proposed amendment of the Electoral Act 2010 (as amended).

In the timetable released by INEC, Presidential and National Assembly elections are to hold first, while governorship and state assembly polls are to follow.

The House amended section 25 of the Principal Act and substituted it with a new section 25 (1).

According to the section, the elections shall be held in the following order: (a) National Assembly election (b) State Houses of Assembly and Governorship elections (c) Presidential election.
Similarly, section 87 was amended by adding a new section 87 (11) with a marginal note “time for primaries of political parties”.

“The primaries of political parties shall follow the following sequence (i) State House of Assembly (ii) National Assembly (iii) Governorship, and (iv), President.

“The dates for the above stated primaries shall not be held earlier than 120 days and not later than 90 days before the date of elections to the offices.”

The House also amended section 36 to allow running mates of candidates who die before the conclusion of elections inherit his votes and continue with the process.

Section 35 which states that if before an election a candidate dies, he will be replaced by the next contestant with the highest vote was also amended.

The amendment indicated that if a nominated candidate died in the election process, the next person from the same political party with the second highest votes in the primary election should replace the deceased.

It stated that the name of the new person should be submitted to INEC, which should accept such replacement as if the deceased was alive.

The House also made an increment in the limitation of election expenses to be incurred by candidates for presidential candidates from N1 billion to N5 billion.
It raised the governorship bill from N200 million to N1 billion, while Senatorial and Representatives candidates’ expenses are not to exceed N100 million and N70 million, respectively.

For State Assembly and local government chairmanship elections, candidates’ expenses had been raised from N10 million to N30 million while councillorship candidates ceiling was raised from N1 million to N5 million.
Similarly, individual contribution for elections was increased from N1 million to N10 million.

Ugandan President backs Trump on *shithole* remark.

Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni on Tuesday hailed Donald Trump for speaking “frankly” to Africans, after the US president suffered a storm of international criticism after reportedly describing African nations as “sh*thole countries.”

“I love Trump because he speaks to Africans frankly. I don’t know if he was misquoted or whatever. He talks about Africans’ weaknesses frankly,” Museveni said in the capital Kampala to members of the East African Legislative Assembly (EALA).

Trump reportedly used the language at a private White House meeting on January 12, which led to condemnation in the US and around the world.

He has denied using that term, but admitted to using “tough” language at the meeting, and rebutted accusations of racism.

Museveni also turned to Twitter to show his appreciation for Trump’s use of language.

“Donald Trump speaks to Africa frankly. Africans need to solve their problems. You can’t survive if you are weak. It is the Africans’ fault that they are weak,” he wrote.

His comments were in stark contrast to the outrage expressed by other African leaders.

Ghanaian President Nana Akufo-Addo tweeted that Trump’s language was “extremely unfortunate”. Namibia said the president’s language had “no place in diplomatic discourse” and was “contrary to the norms of civility and human progress”. The African Union, which represents African countries, demanded that Trump apologise.

The UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), meanwhile, described the reported comments as “racist”, “shocking and shameful”.

Museveni, 73, has been in power in Uganda since 1986 and could potentially seek a sixth term in office in 2021 if a bill to remove presidential age limits is passed.

No stranger to controversy, on Monday he described Uganda as a “pre-industrial society” and said he regretted removing the death sentence, saying the move had been “a recipe for chaos”.

IOL News.

Backlash after women sexually harassed at men-only charity dinner.

Senior women in Britain’s Parliament are demanding tougher laws against harassment after a Financial Times investigation found that women were groped at a men’s only charity gala attended by hundreds of senior executives and lawmakers, according to IOL News.

The event at London’s Dorchester Hotel, which was held to raise money for charities, featured some 100 female hostesses, including two undercover FT reporters. The journalists described harassment, lewd comments and “repeated requests to join diners in bedrooms elsewhere in the Dorchester.”

The event featured auction prizes of tea with Bank of England Governor Mark Carney and lunch with Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson.

Equalities committee chair Maria Miller tweeted she hopes “every man who attended this event will think twice before accepting another invitation to a ‘men only’ event with more than 100 female hostesses.”

Where there is impunity, there can be no unity – Ben Bruce

The Senator representing Bayelsa East senatorial District at the National Assembly, Ben Bruce, has again on Wednesday, mocked President Muhammadu Buhari over what he termed “impunity of the Buhari-led federal government”

Reacting through his twitter handle over the arrest of Dr Oby Ezekwesili, the convener of the Bring Back Our Girls campaign (BBOG) in Abuja on Tuesday, the senator in a veiled message, berated the President for not arresting the herdsmen that have killed thousands throughout the country.

In his own words, the Senator wrote : “In the past three years, Nigeria has sunk into barbarism, not because of the thousands of deaths from killer herdsmen but because of the fact that no one has been arrested, tried and sentenced or executed for these deaths”

Dr Oby Ezekwesili and her group were arrested during a sit out at the Unity Fountain in Abuja on Tuesday afternoon and detained briefly at the Federal Capital Territory Police Command before their subsequent release .

However, the spokesman for the FCT police command said that the group were arrested in order to forestall breakdown of law and order.

But in his reaction, Senator Bruce stated that: “Where there is impunity, there cannot be unity. Where there is injustice, there cannot be settled peace”

He called on the President to ensure that nothing happens to Dr Ezekwesili, saying that nothing must happen to Oby.

” I call on president @mbuhari to ensure that nothing happens to @obyezeks. Nigeria should celebrate this great activist rather than denigrating her. I respect the office of the president and I will choose my words carefully-NOTHING MUST HAPPEN TO OBY ”

The Senator who equally accused President Muhammadu Buhari of favoritism in the manner with which he handles the affairs of the country, stated that there can only be patriotism at the bottom when there is no evidence of favoritism at the top.

The Senate had in the past week, chided the executive for its lack of adequate response towards the Orchestrated killings by Fulani herdsmen across the country and urged the President to sack the inspector general of police, Ibrahim Idris.

Ex-Nigerian President,Dr.Olusegun Aremu Obasanjo Advises Buhari Not to Seek Re-Election,2019- Travis Kwent

Its Deja vu as Nigerians woke up yesterday to find the print and broadcast media awash with a powerful message from the Owu Oracle,whose ominous letter of similar content sounded the death knell for the Goodluck Jonathan’s PDP administration.


Obasanjo,in a strong worded message asked President Muhammadu Buhari not to seek re-election next year, saying that he has failed in his management of Africa’s most populous country, Nigeria.

“I only appeal to brother Buhari to consider a deserved rest at this point in time,” Obasanjo said on Tuesday in an emailed statement. “President Buhari does not necessarily need to heed my advice. But whether or not he heeds it, Nigeria needs to move on and move forward.”
This words reverberates the parable of the man whose head is used to break the coconut that may not live to savour the eating of the delicious fruit.He claimed then that Jonathan, his protege had failed and advised him not to seek re-election and at the polls he pulled the plug on his party and backed Buhari and we all know the outcome.

In his words, Obasanjo said “The situation that made Nigerians to vote massively to get my brother Jonathan off the horse is playing itself out again,” .

Buhari’s government had promised Nigerians on assuming power that he would fix the nation,end corruption,impunity,bring looters to justice,secure the nation which was at that time under terrorist incessant attacks and address the economy but with presidential elections scheduled to hold in February next year as well as vote for lawmakers and state governors, Buhari’s scorecard has been the least expected of a highly touted disciplined,incorruptible and visionary patriot.






On the contrary, Nigeria has witnessed the greatest barbaric carnage and decimation of innocent citizens by a group of armed herdsmen that happen to be kinsmen of the president and he has done nothing about it to the chagrin of the Nigerian people.


The economy in perpetual recession, corruption rocketing to the top of the charts,with the president’s men all involved in this despicable act.

Nepotism at its highest in the country’s history, unemployment in double digits and his health never gave him the chance to articulate and execute his agenda.

Buhari had spent over 6 months abroad on treatment and several trips abroad on check ups. His Party, the APC has fragmented.


A coalition that mustered unprecedented support that gave Buhari victory at the polls, having failed in several attempts before to be president from 2003-2011. That coalition is now a house divided against itself, with many members accusing the president of adopting a non-inclusive style and appointing cronies instead of competent people to key positions. This implosion have seen heavy weights like Abubakar Atiku,Vice president under Obasanjo leaving APC and joining the PDP to seek a presidential ticket against Buhari, who in fairness has not declared his interest to contest.


Obasanjo fell short of what one may consider an honest mea culpa following his strong backing of Buhari’s candidature against Jonathan in 2015. Buyer’s remorse time for Obasanjo whose words are weightier in Nigeria’s political circuit and this missive has perhaps given Nigerians the verdict on a messiah that never lived to fulfill his promises on the account of ill health,Corruption,cluelessness and perhaps due to his easy acquiescence or capitulation to the whim and caprice of his cronies and pernicious cabal as his brave wife Aisha claims,which is plausible considering the seeming helplessness of Buhari with all that is going on around him.


Nigerians can only pray and seek a new messiah to drive us out of this retrogressive progression. For whom the bell tolls, walking the gauntlet in Jonathan’s shoes as Nigerians turn the other way palm faced, shaking their heads in shock of his failings as a man that frittered away so much good will on the altar of Nepotism,Inertia ,Corruption and ethnic allegiance over the common good of the commonwealth of the Nigerian people.

Rivers United will get better – Eguma

By John Diidi.

Rivers United manager, Stanley Eguma has said that his team Will get better after their 2-1 victory over Kano Pillars on Sunday in the Match day 3 NPFL fixture at the Yakubu Gowon Stadium, Port Harcourt.

Goals from Bamba Bakari in the 20th minute and Guy Kuemain’s second half strike was enough to give the “Pride of Rivers” victory.

Speaking to the press and TPCN correspondence after the game, Stanley Eguma had this to say; “I want to thank the players for putting up the effort today. We prepared very hard for this game, we know Pillars is a big team and we have respect for them. They also gave us a good run for our money”

“It’s not easy to travel all the way from Jos to port Harcourt and play like this. I want to believe that we have not reached our best, as our best is yet to come”

“We have young crop of players in the team, who are trying to learn the rhythm and philosophy of the team. Our game today was better than the first game, and I can assure you we would get better than what you have seen today”

“We have a lot of young boys because we want to build for the future, and make sure we get to the continent this time around”

“We have won today, but it’s not yet time for celebration as we need to work harder for our next game away to Sunshine stars. Because we need to also get it well at away and not just at home. So we are still on track, as it is still work in progress and we hope to get it better”

Rivers United will travel to Akure on Wednesday 24th, for a date Sunshine Stars in a Match day 4 midweek fixture.

Investments in Porthacourt with high yielding returns.

If you are having thoughts of investing in Nigeria, River State should perhaps be in your list of places to put your money in, with assured promises of good returns on investment.

The environment provides manufacturing and service opportunities just not just for the locals but the world market. The state simplifies the ease of bringing and exporting goods and services to the world market with its abundant human and natural resources.

In Rivers, the ease of doing business has been bettered over the years through infrastructural development by successive governments. The abundance in skilled manpower championed by government’s skills and acquisition training, coupled with influx of experienced service professionals from neighbouring states makes Rivers a haven for investors.

Here is Theportcitynews review of possible investments that would yield good economic gains in Rivers state.

Oil and Gas: PortHarcourt does not just pride itself as he Oil and Gas capital of Nigeria and perhaps the rest of Africa for nothing. The city exemplifies it by hosting a good number of Multi-nationals with world-class facilities in and outside the state capital.

Oil and Gas represent the single most important component of the Nigerian economy and contributes to about 90% of the country’s foreign exchange.

Portharcourt is at the center of the Oil and Gas industry in the country. This has made Portharcourt City a center for mass immigration of expatriates with links to some of the world’s most popular energy firms due to its rapid development in infrastructures, resource availability, and development of business value chain with the availability of low-cost skilled workforce with experiences in manufacturing and provision of efficient services that leads to high-end productivity.

The market is still not yet saturated and with the Nigeria’s only joint venture with the rest of the multi-nationals, the NLNG, planning to relocate its headquarters from Lagos to Portharcourt at the end of the year, there will be a need for influx of investments in different areas of the sector.

Hotels: Hotel volumes in Portharcourt are on the increase with investments looking to climb up to $100 million in transactions before the end of the year according to analysts.

With Africa becoming a hotel investment attraction, you shouldn’t neglect putting your money where the market has reliably paid off for ages.

With few standard hotels catering to a large pool of local and international visitors and investors smiling all the way to the bank daily, hotel owners in Portharcourt are recycling their money into hotel developments as maturation sees an increase in ownership.

Growing Chinese influence in Africa and new politically motivated investors coming to Africa would result in fresh capital looking at opportunities in the hotel sector as investors increase their exploration activities.

And with a pool of well experienced and expertly trained managers and service providers, a hotel investment in the Oil capital is sure a good business.

Food: Food business in Portharcourt has thrived in the last 4 – 6 years according reports, with fast food chains like Genesis, Jevnick and Kilimanjaro replacing most traditional restaurants with massive yields that have necessitated their rapid expansions across the city.

The first ever Bole and Garri festivals took place in Portharcourt in 2017 with more of such festivals that would showcase the city’s affinity to food expected in 2018.

Fast food outlets like Jevnick that focuses mainly on the traditional food of the people with couple of intercontinental dishes to boot has become a new attraction as people, especially the working class, relish in the glamour of services provided by these fast food outlets with its potentialities for growth.

Chain stores: Portharcourt houses a few chain stores but they are not in any way enough for the huge population that the city boasts of.

Where to get precisely what has always been a huge problem in the city, and with the few traditional markets around the city focusing mainly on foodstuffs and other edibles, chain stores investment is a goldmine for those who would dare.

Some of the chain stores around like Market Square, Spar and Everyday have been undergoing massive expansion to increase customers’ accessibility within the city with rumors of Shoprite landing anytime soon, there will be gaps still left to be filled.

Chain store investment in this city should not be an option but a necessity.

Entertainment: Despite the fact that Portharcourt has a sea of talented artists in various industries, entertainment in the city has not been given adequate attention that it desperately desires .

This, in effect, has forced most of the local talents to migrate to Lagos where there exists, a reasonable high level of development in the entertainment industry.

A clear-eyed investor can tap into this goldmine of natural talents languishing in its abundance, not just for the financial gains but for societal development.

Outdoor spots: The city boasts of two standard outdoor spots – the Polo club and the Amusement park. Well, they are all beehive of activities with an overflow of customers. A smart investor can leverage on this and create something unique.

Real estate: This is perhaps the most important and most urgent too.

Urbanization has congested the city with the past governor creating the Greater Portharcourt project to decongest the city.

Investors with flair in real estate can take advantage of this burgeoning opportunity as decent houses become less available and more expensive on yearly basis.

The greater PortHarcourt city is connected to the main Porthacourt city by road and with government’s plan to link both cities by rail in the years to come, real estate market in Porthacourt is a good sell.

Wike runs Rivers state like his personal property – Samson Ngerebara.

By John Diidi.

The Pro-APC grassroots mobilisation group in Rivers State, FREE RIVERS DEVELOPMENT INITIATIVE (FRDI) on Tuesday, inaugurated it’s Ward Leaders and Unit Coordinators in Eleme Local Government Area.

President of the group, Engr. Sampson Ngerebara, in his inauguration speech informed the Ward Leaders and Unit Coordinators that they are the foot soldiers of the party and must continue to work hard to bring change to in Rivers State.

Ngerebara berated Gov. Wike for violating the rotational system of governance in Rivers State and for running the state like his personal property.

“Nyesom Wike knows very well that Rivers State is a multi-ethnic state and he knows also that Ikwerre people have ruled this state for 8 years and he came through the backdoor to take power. Today he runs Rivers State like his private enterprise”

“You may have forgotten, in 1950, Herbert Macaulay was describing the relationship between the whites and Lagos protectorate and he said ‘the progress of Lagos is directly proportional to the size of the whiteman’s pocket’, the same thing is applicable to Rivers State today” he said!

“Go to Ada George Road, you will see an empire built by a sitting governor. It means that governor Wike does not have conscience because a Governor cannot be growing fat when his people are growing lean. You go to state secretariat, there is no light, no water system, the whole place is rotting. This kind of a thing can only take place when there is insensitivity of the people to their right”

“I want to charge all of you, as you go home to all the Wards, to all the Units, carry this message home, the only thing you can do for Rivers State is to drive Nyesom Wike away from Government house and restore peace and restore unity in Rivers State.”

Earlier, Vice President of the group and Political Leader of Orashi Region, Rt. Hon. Asita urged the Ward Leaders and Unit Coordinators and all party members in the LGA to remain loyal to the leadership of Rt. Hon. Chibuike Rotimi Amaechi and continue to deliver APC in Eleme.

“Eleme people have shown example in so many ways. I only want to appeal to you to continue to be that strong force in our party so that other local government areas can follow your lead”, he said.

He stated that “because we are more in number, we will win Eleme very well and Rivers State at large.”

Barr. Asita noted that there is no part of Rivers State that does not have a Governorship material, stating that “we are Free Rivers Development Initiative and what we stand for is that, Power Must Rotate! That’s the only way an Eleme man or woman can be governor.”

Ogoni Group Kicks Against Resumption Of Exploration Activities in OML 11, Ogoni Land

By Travis Kwent

Erstwhile Associates of Late Kenule Saro Wiwa, who have constituted themselves into a very strong pressure group known as Ken Saro-Wiwa Associates,KSA.
The group released a statement berating the impending resumption of exploration activities by Shell Petroleum Development Company, (SPDC) and it’s joint venture partner, the Nigerian Petroleum Development Company (NPDC).

The group, on Monday in Ogoni land, pleaded with the Federal Government to make good it’s promise to clean up and restore the environmentally degraded and polluted Oil rich Ogoni land before any exploration activity would take place especially on OML11.

“The Federal government should muster enough political will to be sincere and honest in dealing with the concerns and interests of the people of the area.The United Nation Environment Programme (UNEP) – sponsored Ogoni cleanup exercise is no where near what it has promised to do for the people since it’s flag-off ceremony that was celebrated with so much pomp and pageantry by this present government yet it is still far from uhuru for the beleaguered people of Ogoni land” they said!






The Group through its spokes person and co-ordinator, Chief Gani Topba with utmost vehemence demanded unreserved apology from Shell Petroleum Development Company, SPDC, for allegedly destroying Ogoni land and exposing the people of the area to suffering, hardship and pollution.
He said:

“We are asking the Federal Government to rebuild Ogoni before exploration can resume in our land. Whether they agree or not, Shell must apologize to Ogoni people. Even though they are not operating in Ogoni, they are bound to apologize to Ogoni people.”

He further stressed the fact that : “It is not the government that is the problem. The government of Nigeria has one solution to the problems. The solution is this, Shell licence expires in 2019. It has applied for renewal. Don’t renew it, let the 100 percent of the oil block come back to the Federal Government. Ogoni is looking at how to agree with a company that will give Ogoni their stake in the 40 percent.”

Theportcitynews had gathered that While Shell and it’s JV partner, the Nigerian Petroleum Development Company (NPDC), have refused to make their contributions for the Ogoni cleanup as agreed in the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)sponsored peace deal, the joint venture continues to make covert maneuvers seen as illicit to restart oil production in the area to the chagrin of the group.They are at daggers drawn and would not sheath their swords until SHELL and NPDC come clean with the Ogoni people.

Topba also riffled some missiles at the Movement for the Survival of the Ogoni People, MOSOP, for playing into the hands of politicians, stressing that the current leadership of the body has turned the movement to a non-governmental organization, NGO.

He said,”MOSOP has never been an NGO, but, this current leadership has turned it to an NGO. MOSOP is a movement. MOSOP is to defend the rights of every Ogoni man, whether in business, politics, academic or in any way. It is for the common people.”

The Ogoni people have never been dealt with all the care and attention they deserved. They have become a pawn in the hands of the government and spotlight seekers that uses their trauma for personal gain. The last is yet to be heard of this resistance.

Senator Ben Bruce refers to Nigeria as a lawless country during plenary.

Nigerians have reacted to the seeming inability of the Buhari-led federal government to put to an end to the killings by the Fulani herdsmen in the middle-belt part of the country.

At a plenary at the floor of the Senate, Senators chided the federal government for their failure to curtail the killings and bring the culprits to book.

Among the senators that reacted angrily at the Federal Government’s inability to end the killings were Dino Melaye and Ben Bruce with Bruce referring to Nigeria as a lawless country.
