60-year-old man defiles 12-year-old deaf and dumb girl in Ubima

Tina Amanda

Father of a physically challenged (deaf, dumb and crippled) Mr Eze Eleonu, has called for Justice for his twelve-year-old daughter who was defiled by one Victor, a sixty-year-old man.

In an interview with journalists, Eleonu disclosed that on Saturday, March 5, 2022, he came back from a trip and noticed the door to his room was opened.

He explained that on entering his room, he saw the said Victor stark naked sitting very close to his physically challenged daughter who was also naked and and immediately he grabbed the said Victor before raising alarm.

According to him, he raised alarm which attracted other neighbours to his compound and through their help the culprit was held down till the arrival of OSPAC (local vigilance group members) who took Victor to their office and later handed him over to the Ubima Police Division.

The father of the 12-year-old defiled girl further narrated that before he apprehended Victor in his room on that fateful day, he had long been noticing blood stains on the pant and private part of his physically challenged daughter, as he is the one that usually bath and care for her.

He, however, noted that the medical examination conducted on his daughter, showed there had been penetration.

Traumatized Eleonu called for justice, demanding that the matter be charged to court without further delay.

Meanwhile, the Centre for Basic Rights Protection and Accountability Campaign has called for a thorough investigation into the matter.

A member of the Group, Gladys Onyenmwen, urged the Police Command to tidy up investigation with a view to arraigning the suspect in court if found culpable.

As at press time, our correspondent gathered that the suspect is being detained at State Criminal Investigation and Intelligence Department (SCIID) port Harcourt where the matter was transferred to from Ubima Police Division.