Tompolo refuses to meet Akpabio as ultimatum draws near

High Chief Government Ekpemupolo, popularly known as Tompolo, on Thursday refused to see the minister of Niger Delta Affairs, Godswill Akpabio at his Oporoza, Gbaramatu Kingdom country home in Delta State following his 7 days ultimatum to the federal government.

The ex-agitator had on Sunday issued a seven-day ultimatum to the FG to inaugurate the board of the Niger Delta Development Commission, NDDC or face attacks on oil installations in the area.

He accused Akpabio of siphoning funds from the commission so as to fester his 2023 presidential ambition.

Akpabio’s mission was to appeal to Tompolo to soft-pedal on his earlier seven-day ultimatum issued to the Federal Government to constitute a substantive board for the NDDC.

Akpabio was earlier received at the Osubi airstrip in Warri by the Deputy Governor of Delta State, Kingsley Otuaro, and his younger brother, Dennis, as well as some senior military officers.

The minister then moved in a boat to Oporoza, but it was gathered that the warlord refused to see the minister.