Principal beats female teacher up over malpractice fees

By Tina Amanda

The Principal of Community Senior Secondary School Isiodu, in Emohua Local Government Area, Kingsley Kabari, has allegedly beaten up a female teacher over malpractice money.

Narrating her ordeal to our Correspondent, Miss Blessing Nkomadu alleged that she was brutalized by the Principal, who tore her dress, called in anti-cultism unit Isiodu, and got her arrested alongside a male teacher.

“After the WAEC Exams yesterday, June 22, 2023, the Principal insisted that the students pay 3500 before collecting their smart cards. Some of the teachers, including one Mr Godspower, told him that the cards should be given to the students without any charges.

“He managed to issue out few and retained that of some of the students. I met him in his office to ask that the students be given their smart cards.

“The Principal refused and said he would not give them the smart card because they owed his malpractice money. He asked me to leave his office when I declined and kept begging. Next thing, the Principal got up, bounced on me, started beating me up, and tore my clothes.

“Some of the WAEC Students who accompanied me to his office got tired of rescuing me; they raised the alarm that attracted a male teacher Mr Godspower Woke, who came in to hold him and stop him from beating me

“The Principal went outside to make a call, and anti- cultism van unit at Isiodu junction with policemen came and arrested me and Mr Godspower, alleging that both of us came to his office to beat him up.

Nkomadu, however, explained that on June 22, 2023, the Principal had threatened her in the presence of the Chiefs and Parents Teachers Association meeting, accusing her of being the one telling people that he was collecting illegal levies.

The female teacher said while the Police were taking her away, a lady called her and informed her that the Principal’s wife had earlier threatened to deal with her.

“I wondered why the Principal did not report to Rumuji Divisional Police headquarters in charge of the area and instead went to Anti-cultism, where he has his friends.

“The male Teacher arrested was released late in the night Thursday, June 22, and I did not get a fair hearing at the Anti-cultism Police unit”.

In his response to the allegations by the female teacher Blessing Nkomadu, Principal Kingsley Kabari denied the accusations.

“I am not involved in exam malpractice, neither did I assault Miss Nkomadu. It was Nkomadu who brought guys to beat me up”.