Lady scalded with hot stove by police officer discharged from hospital, denies abandoning case

Tina Amanda

The 32-year-old miss Jane Amos who survived a high degree stove burns allegedly thrown at her by co-tenant, a Police Officer last month, in Rumukwuota, Obio/Akpor Local Government Area of Rivers State, has dismissed the rumour making rounds that she abandoned the case.

Our correspondent reports that the victim has been on admission in the hospital since the incident occurred in January 2022.

In an interview with journalists shortly after she was discharged from the hospital, Jane Amos said she did not abandon the case as insinuated in some quarters, but has been on medical treatment for recovery.

“I want to use the opportunity to dismiss the rumour making the rounds that I abandoned the case of the Police officer, Eze Agbelu, who threw a burning stove at me that resulted in severe burns on my body. There is no iota of truth in the rumour. I have been admitted in the hospital for over one month, now that I am discharged, the doctors said I would be coming for treatment every two days”.

According to her, the Police Officers investigating the case from State Criminal Investigation and Intelligence Department (SCIID) visited her at the hospital and also wrote down her statement.

She further called for justice in the matter, noting that it is a clear case of attempted murder.

“My being alive today is an act of God, even though there is pressure from some quarters on me and my family to abandon the case, I want to state clearly, I have not and will not abandon the case. I want Justice to be done in this matter.

“I have suffered severe pains, trauma and great financial loss since the day the incident occurred. I call on the Commissioner of Police Rivers State, CP Friday Eboka to use his good office to ensure that I am not denied Justice.”

She thanked the media, Human Rights Organizations and Nigerians for all their efforts in ensuring justice is served in the matter.

Recall that miss Jane Amos in an interview with journalists at the time of the incident disclosed that the officer who perpetrated the evil act developed hate for her after she turned down his love advances and friendship proposal.

The spokesperson of Rivers State Police Command, DSP Grace Iringe Koko, as at then had also confirmed the arrest and detention of the Police Officer to journalists, adding that investigation is ongoing at State CIID.

As of press time, it is not clear if the Police officer Eze Agbelu who was arrested then is still in custody.