Lady arrested for injuring 13-year-old step sister with hot pressing iron

Tina Amanda

The Abuloma Security Network a local Vigilante Group has arrested a young lady Gold George-Tete, for inflicting grievous injury on her thirteen-year-old step sister with hot pressing iron, on an allegation of stealing one thousand naira from her mother-in-law purse.

In an interview with our correspondent, Chairman Abuloma Security Network, Comrade Lawrence Pina, narrated that the victim Obomate Daminabo Okorosa came to report the matter to them, that her Elder sister burnt her lap with hot pressing iron, at their residence 16 Olumodel Elijah street, Abuloma, in Port Harcourt local government area of the state.

Comrade Pina said the Vigilante Group were able to arrest the lady at her workplace in collaboration with FIDA Rivers State and handed her over to the Police.

He urged FIDA to ensure the matter is properly treated so the little girl who is an orphan will get justice.

Narrating her ordeal to our correspondent, the victim Obomate Daminabo Okorosa, who is an orphan, but living with the step Elder sister, said on Sunday 13 March, she was accused of stealing one thousand naira from her Elder sister’s mother-inlaw purse, which she denied knowledge of and her Elder sister Gold George-Tete threatened to burn her with hot pressing iron if she did not bring out the money.

According to her, on Monday night 14 March, at about 2 am while sleeping her step Elder sister inflicted the injury on her with hot pressing iron on her lap.

The victim narrated that on Thursday 17 March she was taken to church for deliverance, as she was accused of being possessed to have stolen the one thousand naira, only to bring it out the money later subconsciously, which she said the sister mother inlaw described as a spiritual case.

She said after the deliverance was conducted on her she felt like a spirit left her, and she began to feel pain all over her body that made her sister mother inlaw take her to health center for treatment.

The victim disclosed that the mother in law to her Elder sister was furious on the actions of her daughter-in-law, warning her not to repeat such, just as said the stolen one thousand naira note was later found.

On her part, Step Elder sister to the victim Gold George-Tete, said she inflicted the injury on her younger sister to teach her a lesson that will make her to stop stealing.