Open letter to Linda Ikeji: Expose Theo Ukpaa or let us be!

Okenyi Kenechi

Dear Linda Ikeji, reading your open letter to your ex-staffer with the show-off of the Nigerian ‘bigmanism’ Nah, ‘bigwomanism’ that characterised it, shows that you were never sincere in your quest to help ‘girls without a voice’ find their voice.

If you have further evidence that your ex-staffer took advantage of girls and raped them due to his position, Biko, expose him. If not, let us breathe.

If your letter is another show of affluence, influence and concentrated power, miss us with it. We don’t care. Not as if it will change the cost of beans in the market.

Here is the problem and I will be frank with you. You have earned your bragging rights, no doubt. But you will be doing the woman race a great disservice if you have anything against that man and yet waits patiently for him to ‘test you’ by denying the accusation and referring to his accusers as liars.

Read also: Linda Ikeji Threatens To Arrest Theo Ukpaa

I am not defending him but only calling on you to do humanity a favour. You will be surprised as to how many more victims of rape in the industry will be brave to come out.

Remember the #Metoo campaign ravaging Hollywood presently? You can champion it by being brave and very decisive in the way you handle such a delicate matter.

Women are to be loved, cherished and adored, not to be taken advantage of and if by chance you allow this issue to slide pending when Theo Ukpaa tests you, well, you will be reliably referred to as an accomplice in the mater.

No woman deserves to be raped. However, a woman that sees where the issue of rape has occurred yet waits for the said rapist to test her before she acts is only playing to the gallery.

Did you write in your open later to Theo, reminding him about his suspension last year? Are the circumstances related?

You can actually lead this fight. You will be surprised how many persons will come out of the closet.

Do this, in the memory of you or allow us to enjoy our APC-induced hunger in peace.


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