In a candid discussion featured in the teaser for an upcoming episode of ‘The Honest Bunch podcast, Jegede shared her reflections on the marriage and the factors that led to its dissolution. She expressed regret over choosing love over financial security, a choice she now questions in light of her experiences.

Jegede, known for her roles in popular Nigerian films, confirmed in 2019 that her marriage to fellow actor Olakunle ‘Abounce’ Fawole had ended, barely a year after their wedding.

The popular Nollywood actress, Yvonne Jegede, has opened up about the reasons behind her decision to end her marriage, revealing that financial strain and issues of respect played significant roles, and Jegede recounted that her ex-husband often perceived her jokes as disrespectful, largely due to their age difference.

However, the primary reason for the breakup was financial imbalance. Jegede revealed that she was the main financial provider in the marriage, a role that added immense pressure and strain. She explained by saying, “The real issue was that I was the primary financial contributor. I’m taking care of my son as if no one else exists around me. It’s not easy. I should have chosen money over love.”

Reflecting on her choice, Jegede emphasized the challenges of being a primary caregiver and breadwinner. “It’s tough when you’re the one bringing in most of the money and also taking care of a child. There’s a lot of responsibility that comes with that, and it can be overwhelming,” she said. This insight resonates with many single parents and those in financially imbalanced relationships.

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