Within 4 months, Rivers NDLEA gets two commanders

Brave Dickson

Four months after Usman Ali Wadar took over as the Rivers State Commander of NDLEA, Ahmed Mamuda has replaced him as the new commander of the agency in the state.

This was made known in a statement signed by the Public Affairs Officer of
NDLEA in the state, Emmanuel Ogbumgbada and sent to our correspondent on Tuesday.

It said, “following the redeployment of Commander of Narcotics Usman Ali Wadar to Murtala Mohammed International Airport (MMIA) Lagos; Commander of Narcotics (CN) Ahmed Mamuda has assumed duty as the new commander of the National Drug Law Enforcement Agency in Rivers State.

“In his farewell speech, Commander Usman Ali Wadar expressed profound gratitude to officers and men of Rivers state Command for the support and cooperation given to him during his service as the State Commander.

“He urged the officers to work hard and do their best in supporting the new State Commander to achieve the vision of the Agency in Rivers State.

“Speaking after taking over, the new State Commander solicited for cooperation and commitment from officers and men of the Command to enable him succeed in his new tasks, as he pledged to continue the offensive action against illicit drug dealers and their cohorts.

“Before his transfer to Rivers State, Commander Ahmed Mamuda served as the Borno State Combmander, and also doubled as one of the training Coordinators and Academic Instructor in the just concluded training of 5000 recruits, in the NDLEA Academy, Jos, Plateau State.”