We’re tired of deceit, fake promises – Rivers NLC

Tina Amanda

Governor Nyesom Wike has accused the All Progressives Congress, APC-led Federal government of being responsible for the challenges faced by Nigeria workers, as the administration has failed the country .

Governor Wike who stated this while marking the 2022 Worker’s Day at the Isaac Boro Park, Port Harcourt, said no development can thrive in a country bedeviled with high security challenges.

The Governor who was represented by his Deputy Dr. Ipalibo Harry Ibanigo, maintained that no socioeconomic development can be easily achieved in the face of massive insecurity, banditry and herdsmen panic confronting the people of Nigeria.

He said Rivers State Government has provided a conducive working environment for workers in the State, adding that Rivers State Government has been paying minimum wage to civil servants

“Rivers State under the watch of his Excellency governor Wike has been able to surmount most of the security challenges, giving the workers a safe environment.

“We commend workers of Rivers State for their passion and commitment towards the development of the state. We urge private and public workers in the state to remain committed, the State government has been paying the minimum wage, salaries, and all monthly pensions up to date”.

Banigo, however, recalled how workers in the state had earlier described Governor Wike as being friendly to workers and worried why they would turnaround to despise the governor.

She assured that the tripartite committee report will soon be attended to, adding that the State Government is committed to the welfare of workers.

Meanwhile, Workers in the State have asked the RIvers state government not to push them to protest following its failure to promote workers, pay retirees pension and gratuity.

Chairman of the Nigeria Labour Congress Rivers State, Beatrice Itubo, said the Rivers State labour force is tired of the promise and fail government that is full of deceit.

Itubo called on the government to put an eye and investigate the alleged fraud going on in the pensions board.

She further called for the payment of teachers at the government owned demonstration secondary schools and urged Rivers State workers to choose right during the next elections.