TCN plead with state governments, security agents to fight encroachment of transmission lines

Tina Amanda

The Transmission Company of Nigeria (TCN) has appealed to state governments, security agencies and stakeholders to support TCN National Monitoring Committee on Elimination and Reduction of Encroachment, in order to evacuate all structures occupying their right of way.

Head of the National Monitoring Committee and the General Manager Health Safety and Environment TCN, Kangeh Cephas, who made the appeal during a stakeholders’ sensitization visit to Civil Defence Corps, Rivers State Command and the State Ministry of Environment, Port Harcourt, said TCN right of way has been heavily encroached as people build and do businesses under electricity high tension power cables.

According to him, building on transmission lines prevent them from having access to maintain the lines, adding that people risk being burnt while the emissions from the lines cause serious health issues such as cancer, miscarriages, and other health hazard conditions.

“There are laws established on right of way. TCN right of way is heavily encroached, TCN decided to to form a National committee on the elimination and reduction of the encroachment of our right of way. We inaugurated a sub-committee to collate data of those places that have been encroached as to sensitize the people there on dangers associated with encroachment.

“Some people have erected structures on it making it impossible for us to have free access to maintain the high tension lines. Another worry is the safety and health of the people, high tension lines carry high voltage and are dangerous. If they it fall on a building or group of persons, they will be burnt to ashes.

“Emissions from the lines also pose health hazard to the body, people are likely to come down with some health issues such as cancer, give birth to dwarf children or have miscarriages.

“We call on the security agencies and states government to help us evacuate people from the right of way, that is why we are here in Rivers State to meet with the stakeholders, liaise with them and see how we can put heads together to sensitize the people as to make our process less cumbersome and to curb the menace.

Receiving the National Monitoring Committee at Civil Defence Corps Command Headquarters, Port Harcourt, the Commandant, Michael Ogar, assured TCN monitoring committee of its support to ensure structures obstructing the transmission right of way are evacuated.

“We are going to do enforcement, we are going to bring caterpillar and bulldoze all those structures that are in the right of way. We are aware that these right of ways the owners of the lands have been compensated, they have been paid money for those land and they have no right of those land again, but they still keep coming back.

“We are going to work with the TCN committee to do what federal government wants us to do, because we are working for the federal government and for the good people of Nigeria. We will join them to work against vandalism in Rivers State. whenever you have information of any attempt of vandalism inform us and we will respond fast, our response time is less than ten minutes

“We will not fail you, we are ready to work with you to enforce it, be rest assured that we will prioritize your call and concern in sensitizing the public on the dangers of transmission lines encroachment. In terms of security, we need power to work effective, electricity is very vital in security network”.

Also, Acting Permanent Secretary, Rivers State Ministry of Environment, Pastor Emmanuel Fienemika, said people build under high tension lines out of ignorance, nothing that with the committee’s sensitization, it enlightens people the more, while pledging the ministry full support as it is in line with Governor Nyesom Wike’s development plan.

“Longtime ago, around the TransAmadi area of the state, a pole fell and killed lot of people, people build and live around High tension lines out of ignorance. The state government is committed to ensure the safety of lives and property of its people, the sensitization and evacuation TCN is doing today is part of Governor Wike development plan.

“We are ready to work and support the committee alongside the State Ministry of Urban Development, so we can bring order around the state. Before now, we have also been doing similar thing with the International Oil Companies (IOC’s) in the state”.