Following the recent clash saga between soldiers and alleged traders. soldiers stormed Benex Plaza over the assault of their colleagues on Saturday.

A viral video seen on X Space showed a group of soldiers chasing citizens in different directions. An earlier video circulated online, it revealed how two soldiers were physically attacked for yet-to-be-identified reasons and attackers.

The short video clip showed how the angry mop slapped, beat, and pushed the soldiers around. The incident has triggered a lot of reaction from citizens, who found dismay in the actions of the attackers, as some of them are of the opinion that the retaliation of the act might be corrosive.

An x user, @Inno4Chi, said, “If those men are real soldiers, I fear innocents would be victims when their men react.”

Another user, Bakewei Samuel, wrote: “Standard for terrorists, armed robbers, and other criminals, Nigerians will never resort to beating soldiers. There’s always a reason why.”

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Another X user who goes by the name, Williams Idopise described that those involved in the act might not be traders within the plaza.

“Those guys beating those soldiers might not even have a shop in that plaza; this is a result of too much frustration in the land.”

As of the time of writing this report, the Defence Headquarters and spokesman were yet to comment on this recent incident.

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