Rivers: Students of flood impacted schools learn on bare floor – Principal

By Brave Dickson

The flood that occurred in 2022 forced the secondary school students of many schools in Rivers State to sit on bare floors while learning in their classrooms.

The flood was reported to have displaced thousands of residents from their homes and took the lives of a few others via drowning.

In Ahoada West and East Local Government Areas of Rivers State, school buildings were submerged in the flood, leading to the destruction of learning materials, blackboards, staff tables and chairs as well as sitting desks for students.

As of the time of this report, students of the Community Secondary School, Odagberi/Betterland in Ahoada sit on bare floors during learning.

According to the principal of the school, Mr. Wisdom Santos Owolo, all efforts made in getting relevant authorities to re-equip the school with learning facilities yielded no result.

He said: “We lack a blackboard to teach the students. We lost so many chairs and tables in our staff offices.

“The flood also destroyed the toilet system, making the toilet facilities not to be working. The desks for the students were all destroyed.

“As I speak, the students sit on bare floors to learn. We have informed relevant authorities but to no avail.”

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