Rivers JUSUN chairman optimistic strike will soon end

Tina Amanda

The Chairman, Judiciary Staff Union of Nigeria, JUSUN, Rivers State Branch, Comrade Anthony Wachukwu, says the essence of the ongoing strike is to render better services to the public.

Comrade Wachukwu was reacting to the lingering strike by the members which has seen thousands of litigant cases on hold in various Courtrooms across the Country.

In an interview with our Correspondent, Wachukwu said without full implementation of the Constitution as provided by law, litigants will never enjoy good services.

He noted that the position of the National Executive Council is for the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria 1999 as amended not to be subjected to any form of negotiation.

“The NEC stance is that the provisions of the 1999 constitution should not be negotiated. We are trying to put all the judiciary across the country in proper perspective to enable us to serve the litigants better”

Comrade Wachukwu said the State JUSUN still stands with the decision of its National body while hoping the strike would be called off soon.

“For now the judiciary workers are still on strike it will be called off by the national executive and not by any of the branches, I believe and pray that one day the strike would be called off, then the Judiciary will render services better than what we are doing now to the public”