Itak Ikot Udo Community in Ikot Ekpene Local Government Area of Akwa Ibom State has donated over 100 hectares to the Niger Delta Development Commission (NDDC) for its agricultural scheme.

This was made known to TCNP on Saturday by the NDDC Director, Corporate Affairs, Pius Ughakpoteni.

The NDDC Director, of Agriculture and Fisheries, Mrs. Winifred Madume, led a delegation of the Commission’s officials during the inspection and verification of the land donated by the community for the Project Hope rural farming scheme.

Madume, who represented the NDDC Managing Director, Dr. Samuel Ogbuku, expressed gratitude to the community leaders and all the stakeholders who had thrown their weight behind the agricultural program of the Commission.

The NDDC CEO commended the communities for partnering with the Commission by donating many hectares of land for the agricultural program targeted at the youths of the region. He promised them maximum value for the land they donated.

He noted that “it will be mutually beneficial and rewarding.”

Source: NDDC

The Village Head of Itak Ikot Udo, Chief David Inyang, thanked the NDDC for initiating this project in his community during his tenure, stressing that “this project holds the promise of alleviating poverty in the area and boosting economic activities. We assure you that adequate security measures will be in place to safeguard the individuals working on the farmland.”

Chief Inyang, who expressed hope that the scheme would improve the economic base of the area, further hinted that the community will ensure that adequate security will be provided throughout the duration of the project.

According to him, “there won’t be any security challenge to this project that is about to commence in this community. We shall employ the use of law enforcement agents made up of the army, the police, our local vigilantes, and the community police to forestall any form of threat to this project.”

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He added that the land that is being ceded to NDDC would provide jobs and enhance the value of properties in the community.

In his remarks, the consultant for Project Hope, Ambassador Blessing Fubara, thanked the community leaders for collaborating with the NDDC in the interest of the development of the Niger Delta region.

He said that a feasibility study was carried out to ascertain the suitability of the soil for agricultural purposes, adding that independent investigations were carried out to ensure that the donated land was not encumbered or in dispute with neighboring villages.

Fubara observed that “Even though we know the whole of the Niger Delta is green, one of the things we looked at was the peaceful disposition of the people. His Royal Majesty gave us his words that if we are ready, they are also ready, and you can see the commitment on our part. Aside from that, before we embarked, we made sure we crossed all the T’s and dotted the I’s. We engaged the youths, women groups, and market women to ensure that the land given to us is not in dispute.”

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