Post-election violence: NGO describes Rivers as primitive state

Brave Dickson

While condemning the post-election violence in Rivers State, the International Society for Social Justice and Human Rights has also described the state as primitive.

It is a known fact that the state used to experience violence before, during, and after every election circle.

A few weeks after the 2023 general elections, reports of alleged killings had been recorded as a result of post-election violence.

The APC governorship candidate, Tonye Cole has also complained of being beaten up by political thugs, which he claimed were sent by the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP).

The Chancellor of the NGO, Dr. Omenasu Jackson told our correspondent that the state will only move forward when politicians desist from using violence as a tool to win elections.

“Honestly, the post-election violence in Rivers State makes us look primitive as a state and it is highly condemnable.

“It actually shows that we are not ready for democracy in this state.

“No politician that emerges through this process can humbly beat his chest to say he was elected by his people.

“The election violence has bred up mediocre and it is very unfortunate,” he said.