Police nab 40yr old man for raping 5yr old girl in Okrika

Brave Dickson

One Michael Robinson of 40yr old is now telling the police why he raped his friend’s daughter of 5yr old in Okrika Local Government Area of Rivers State.

The suspect was said to have visited his friend, only for him to meet his friend’s daughter alone at home sweeping and he defiled her.

When making his statement at the Okrika Police Division, the suspect admitted that he defiled the minor but said he only fingered her private parts.

Speaking with our correspondent, a cousin to the victim who reported the matter to the police, Hezekiah Theophilus said the minor is still having some discharge from her private parts as a result of the rape.

According to the cousin, “the victim was spotted with blood stains all over her private parts the day she was raped by Robinson.

“We took her to the hospital and the doctor’s report confirmed that she was defiled.

“The picture showing how her private parts were stained with blood as well as the medical report are all with the police including the rapist.”

While the police are still investigating the incident, the victim’s family had insisted that the suspect must be prosecuted.