Ogonis jubilate as soldiers arrest three boys in connection with killings

Brave Dickson

Some Ogonis in Uegwere Boue Community in Khana Local Government Area of Rivers State have expressed happiness over the arrest of three boys in connection with the killings in Ogoniland.

The boys who were picked up by personnel of the Nigerian Army include Bariyaa Torbag (alias Ayapsi the priest), Burabari Duube ( alias Aboki) and Ledogo (alias Koromaa).

A former security operative and leader of the community, Ipianeh Godspower who spoke with our correspondent urged the military to also go after others who are at large.

“We are happy over the arrest of Bariyaa Torbag, Burabari and Ledogo by the military.

“These boys are behind the killings and gang violence in Ogoniland especially my community.

“They are part of the boys from neighbouring Kono Bonue and Gwara Communities who have been terrorizing our people.

“Other notorious boys we want the security agents to arrest who are still on the run are Stanley; Afonso from Luawii Community and Elvis from Kereken Boue Community.

“I stand to be quoted anywhere that these boys work for ex-militant, Solomon Ndigbara.

“We urge the military not to use catch and release approach on those arrested like the way some security agents have been doing in Ogoniland but should ensure that the detainees are prosecuted.”

Of recent, over 19 persons have been killed in Uegwere Boue Community alone by gang violence.

The deceased are Dornu Adookorn, Boy Side, Lucky Eeloo, Bari-eeba Dirnu, Barikpe Iyieh, Prince Kibani, Zorbari Beteh, Tambari Igbaranwii and Kingdom Johngbo.

Others are: Eb-babari Gbodorn, Baridabdoo Kordoo, Mbeabari Gbarato, Kabari Kagbara, Neetorbari Bataloo, Nugbara Atekuru Nyorma, Barilugbene Atornu Neka, Bornalo Barineka Uegbo Ikara, Gbenegbara, Nwiineebee and Gbenenee Tornwini, respectively.