Niger Delta: Youth Leaders call for increment of oil derivation to 18 percent

Ugochukwu Iwuchukwu

Youth Leaders in the Niger Delta region have called for the relocation of the headquarters of oil firms and multinationals back to the South-South region.

The Youth Leaders under the aegis of Coalition of Niger Delta Youth Leaders during a press conference in Port Harcourt said the region is safe for investors to do their businesses.

The Interim National President of Coalition of Niger Delta Youth Leaders Adokiye Mujiton also warned those that are de-marketing the Niger Delta region to desist from such acts.

The Youth leader also said the youths will stage a walk for peace tagged ‘Waka for Peace’ on 19th of December to showcase the peaceful disposition of the Niger Delta region.

”We want to use this medium to call on all the multinationals oil companies and other investors to come back home to the Niger Delta region and continue their lawful businesses as the region is the safest place to live in Nigeria. Those de-marketing the Niger Delta region don’t even reside here”.

”How can you live in Kano, Abuja, or Lagos, and at the next breath you are on the media making unfounded claims that the Niger Delta is not safe. You cannot talk about what you don’t know. We urged rumour mongers to stop the campaign of calumny against the Niger Delta people” he said.

Adokiye Mujiton also called on the federal government to increase 13percent derivation allocation to the oil sector to oil-producing states to 18 percent.

The Interim National Leader of Coalition of Niger Delta Youth Leaders hinted that increasing the derivation allocation to 18 percent will boost development in the region.

He said that the youth group will partner with PANDEF and other Niger Delta groups to promote the interest of the region.

The Youth leader also called on youths in the region to desist from all forms of social vices, cultism, and pipeline vandalization.