NBA Commend Fubara Administration Achievement

NBA and Fubara
Source: Facebook

The Nigerian Bar Association (NBA) commend Governor Siminalayi Fubara for his continue effort in shaping Rivers State into a prosperous economic state.

Viktor Ibim Benibo, the Chairman of Port Harcourt Branch of NBA led the group of delegates to the meeting held on Tuesday Night with governor Fubara at the Government House in Port Harcourt.

Benibo who explained to pressmen revealed that their visit was beamed on the level of peace and economic prosperity experienced in the state.

NBA and Fubara
Source: Facebook

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He recalled the extent at which the state governor handled the state affairs during political crisis period for the past seven months proved the governor leadership skill,  sense of maturity and wisdomm

“You know, the way he has handled the affairs of this State with maturity, the economic prosperity experienced within this short time, including the Port Harcourt Ring Road, the Trans-Kalabari Road, and other projects that impact the people positively are good signs for our people.”

“So, we are here to encourage our dear performing Governor, to say: please, go ahead and provide leadership and good governance to the people of Rivers State,” Benibo stated.

Other delegate at the meeting includes Chairmen and Secretaries of the various branches of the association in the State.

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