NAWOJ condemns attack on Etche legislative leader by thugs loyal to council boss, Obinna Anyanwu

NAWOJ condemns attack on Etche legislative leader by thugs loyal to council boss, Obinna Anyanwu

Tina Amanda

The Nigeria Association of Women Journalists (NAWOJ), Rivers State Chapter, has condemned the brutal attack unleashed on the Etche Legislative Leader, Mrs. Cynthia Nwala, by thugs loyal to the Council Chairman, Obinna Elvis Anyanwu at the Etche Local Government Council Secretariat on Monday.

The attack and assault on Etche House Leader was alleged to have been carried out by one Prince Chinedu Onyechi, Chief Security Adviser to Obinna Anyanwu, on his orders.

NAWOJ Chairperson, Susan Serekara- Nwikhana, in an interview with our correspondent, described the act of being beaten to the point of stripping Cynthia Nwala naked as dehumanizing, barbaric, and an unpardonable assault on womanhood.

Susan Serekara-Nwikhana further reiterated that the association would not condone any act capable of demeaning womenfolk in society, noting that women should be accorded the respect they deserve at all times.

“It is so painful to see a married man molesting and embarrassing another man’s wife in such a horrible manner and at the same time vandalizing her car at the Etche Council Secretariat with thugs.

“We decided to condemn this act based on the information confirmed to NAWOJ by the victim that the Chief Security Adviser to the council chairman, Prince Chinedu Onyechi, acted based on the directives given to him by the Etche council boss, Obinna Anyanwu, shortly after the screening of the Special Advisers and Supervisory Councilors at the Etche Local Government Council, Okehi.

“We also gathered that the woman’s offence was just because she decided to go with the mace for security reasons as Council offices were dilapidated and presently under renovation which she said was the agreement between all the Councilors, for her to go home with the mace, except for the Chairman.”

The NAWOJ Chairperson, however, called on civil society organizations, the International Federation of Women Lawyers (FIDA) and the Rivers State Police Command to rise up to the occasion and ensure that the Etche Local Government Council Chairman, Obinna Anyanwu and his Chief Security Adviser, Prince Chinedu Onyechi, face the full wrath of the law.

“Justice must be served appropriately irrespective of who is involved to serve as a deterrent to men who derive pleasure in assaulting, molesting and embarrassing women in our society.”