NAPTIP seals brothels, hotel in Port Harcourt

Tina Amanda

National Agency for Prohibition of Trafficking in Persons (NAPTIP), Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corps (NSCDC), with court officials on Friday, effected an order of a Federal High Court directing the seal of Cool breeze brothel phase 1,2,3 and Royale brothel located along Azikiwe street, Mile 2 Diobu, PortHarcourt.

The order resulted from a suit filed by the Federal Government of Nigeria against Cool breeze Hotel and Royale Hotel as Defendants with suit number FHC/PH/MISC/419/2022. The court directed the brothels be sealed for thirty days from November 4, 2022, pending the conclusion of investigations following a motion exparte filed by NAPTIP.

Our correspondent reports that all occupants were evicted before the brothels were sealed. The case was adjourned to December 5, 2022, for the report.

Recall that a combined team of Nigeria Navy Ship (NNS) Pathfinder, NSCDC and NAPTIP had, on October 29, 2022, raided cool breeze and Royale brothels, rescuing girls, including underage girls who were forced into prostitution while
Some suspected traffickers were also arrested.

NAPTIP Commander in Rivers State, Nwamaka Ikediashi, had told our correspondent in an interview that the suspects arrested will be arraigned in court upon completion of an investigation.