Man appeals to Rivers CP over alleged juju trial by Diobu vigilante

By Tina Amanda

Justice Ejechi is seeking the intervention of the Rivers State Commissioner of Police, CP Olatunji Disu, regarding his alleged trial by ordeal (juju trial) and the illegal search of his house by the Diobu vigilante.

In an interview with journalists, Ejechi recounted the incident: “On July 21, 2024, I was at home sleeping. When I woke up to fetch water, I heard that the Diobu Vigilante had come looking for me. I went to their office to inquire why they were looking for me.

“My neighbour said I came to his house to rob him.I said to rob you how no knife no gun. Prince Amatari, being the leader of the Diobu Vigilante now mandated a search in my house, they came to my house to search, at the end of the day they did not see anything.

“He still mandated me to go to one of their barrack to swear Juju, the native Doctor said I am the one who is responsible. I said how?We came back.

“After two days we traveled to my sister’s house. As I was there,they called me that Diobu vigilante came to search my house when I am not around bounce my door, destroy my door with arms for no reason.

‘I have to go immediately to mile 3 Police station and report the matter, the DPO now called them, let them come with the two parties. Since then, they have been running.

“They do not want to come to the station. We book a meeting, we are supposed to meet with Nkpolu DPO today. This morning by 11am they went to Octopus to arrest me, thank God for the IPO in charge, he was very fair, he said since the matter is already reported at Nkpolu, they should go there and settle the matter, so he let me to go.

“I am calling on the Commissioner of Police to come come for my rescue. Since this matter has being lingering after that oath they gave to me, which I do not know, I have being feeling so many things. I cannot sleep.

“My life is at stake. Anything that happens to me, Prince Amatari should be held responsible”.

Meanwhile, a Port Harcourt based lawyer, Joel Victor in an interview with our Correspondent, said trial by ordeal (Juju trial) is an offence which attracts 10 year imprisonment upon conviction.

He explained that a situation where people are being tried by ordeal is what the law frowns at.

“A situation where some body is suspected of committing offence rather than taking the person (suspect) in this case to security agency that are charged with responsibility of investigating crime the person is taken to one Juju priest or a place where he is being told to take an oath just to confirm if he did that thing or not.

“The law prohibits that. If you take a close look at relevant section of 207 to 213 of the criminal code the Law frowns at it and it carry a jail term of not less than 10 years if such person is being convicted.

“Somebody cannot be arrested on mere suspicion there must be a reasonable suspicion.

“Also, taking the suspect to search his house, the vigilante members have gone against letters and spirit of the law”.

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