In a recent social media video, veteran Nollywood actor Kanayo O. Kanayo issued a stern warning to producers in the Nigerian film industry, advising them to steer clear of actress Angel Unigwe. Citing concerns over her mother’s alleged unprofessional behavior, Kanayo emphasized the need for industry integrity and professionalism.

Speaking passionately in the video, Kanayo recounted his personal encounter with Angel Unigwe’s mother, detailing instances where contract agreements were intentionally violated. He mentioned that despite prior warnings from others in the industry, he had experienced firsthand the disruption caused when Angel’s mother allegedly withdrew her daughter from a film set prematurely.

“A contract is breached by every producer, orally or written and it’s all respected but I found out that immediately this woman takes money from you, everything changes,” Kanayo stated in the video. “She took her daughter at 9pm when the particular date that we agreed hadn’t expired. She came at 9pm and took her daughter.”

The actor expressed disappointment over the situation, highlighting the impact such incidents could have on the industry’s reputation. “I am making this video to protect the entertainment industry in Nigeria,” he affirmed. “Unfortunately, she is Angel Unigwe’s mother.”

Kanayo’s message to fellow producers was clear: “From this moment to the first day of July, 2024, any set that employs the services of Angel Unigwe, I will come to that set and make sure filming doesn’t hold.”

His call to action resonated with many in the industry who voiced concerns about maintaining professionalism and honoring contract agreements. Several industry stakeholders expressed solidarity with Kanayo’s stance, emphasizing the importance of upholding standards in film production.

Reacting to Kanayo’s video, filmmaker and producer Ifeanyi Okeke voiced his support, saying, “Kanayo’s courage to speak out against such practices is commendable. We need more transparency and accountability in our dealings to safeguard the industry.”

In response to the allegations, efforts were made to reach out to Angel Unigwe and her mother for comment, but they have yet to respond.

Meanwhile, the controversy has sparked a broader conversation about the responsibilities of actors and their representatives in the entertainment industry. Some industry insiders pointed out the delicate balance between artistic expression and professional conduct, urging all parties involved to prioritize mutual respect and adherence to agreements.

Renowned actress Angela Nwachukwu weighed in on the debate, emphasizing the need for mutual respect and adherence to contract obligations. “As artists, we have a responsibility not just to our craft but also to the industry as a whole. Instances like these remind us of the importance of trust and reliability,” she remarked.

The Nigerian Film Corporation (NFC) issued a statement urging caution in contract dealings within the industry. “While we respect the autonomy of each production team, we encourage adherence to established guidelines and ethical standards,” the statement read.

Industry experts highlighted the potential repercussions of contract breaches, noting that such incidents could undermine trust and affect collaborations in the long run. “Trust is the bedrock of any industry, and it must be upheld at all costs,” commented film critic and analyst Chika Onwuka.

In the midst of the controversy, Angel Unigwe’s absence from ongoing productions was noticeable. Several upcoming projects reportedly reconsidered their casting decisions in light of the allegations, opting for alternative actresses to avoid potential disruptions.

As the issue continues to unfold, stakeholders in Nollywood remain vigilant about protecting the industry’s reputation and fostering a conducive environment for creativity and professionalism. Kanayo O. Kanayo’s advocacy has sparked introspection and dialogue, prompting calls for improved guidelines and oversight in contract negotiations.

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