IYC promises adequate security during funeral of King TJT Princewill

By Brave Dickson


IYC Kalabari Se-Ikpangi has promised the public adequate security before, during, and after the burial of King Professor T.J.T Princewill, the Amanyanabo of Kalabari Kingdom, Rivers State.

IYC gave the assurance after the burial of the monarch was announced for November 30, 2023, by the regent of Kalabari Kingdom, Dr Charles Numbere Princewill.

Speaking with our correspondent, the Chairman of IYC Kalabari Se-Ikpangi, Edward Asikitams said the youths of the area are going to cooperate with security agents in providing adequate security for the burial.

He also expressed confidence in the security outfit of Alhaji Dokubo Asari, praising Asari for doing a lot in keeping the area safe and secure.

“Let me use this medium to assure the general public of adequate security before, during, and after the burial of our great monarch, King Professor T.J.T Princewill who will be laid to rest in November this year.

“We, the youths of the area have synergized with the security agents and the security outfit of our leader, Alhaji Dokubo Asari in ensuring maximum security before, during, and after the burial of our great monarch, His Royal Majesty, King T.J.T Princewill.

“For single-handedly securing the Emohua/Kalabari Road, Asari has shown love for our people and we strongly believe in his ability to provide maximum security during the burial of King T.J.T Princewill.

“Those who wish to attend the burial who will be coming from far and near our region should be rest assured that their safety is guaranteed at all times,” he said.

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