Group faults Police for handling over 16-year-old girl to father

A Human Rights Group, the Centre for Basic Rights Protection and Accountability Campaign has faulted the Eneka Police Division in Obio/Akpor Local Government Area of Rivers State, for handing over a sixteen-year-old girl to her father whom she accused of incest and threat to her life.
Chairman of the group, IK Alexander, in an interview with our Correspondent said the organization is not happy with the decision of Eneka Police Division to hand over the girl to her Father after she accused him of incest and threat to life, without considering the girl’s safety.
He noted that the action of the Police Division is highly condemnable, irresponsible, and shocking.
“As an organization we expected that the Police Division should have taken the teenage girl away from the woman’s house she ran to for refuge as a result of the alleged incest between her father and the elder sister. The Police would have investigated very well and possibly taken the girl to the Ministry of Social Welfare or any other Government facility, pending a thorough and discrete investigation of her allegations against her father which made her run away from the house.
“I call on Rivers State Commissioner of Police CP Nwonyi Emeka to intervene in the matter”.
Meanwhile, the 16-year-old girl in a petition to the Commissioner of Police, dated 8 August 2023, which was sighted by our Correspondent urge the Commissioner of Police to rescue her from her father who is also a Pastor.
The petition by the teenage girl further states that she ran away from the house due to the trauma of the alleged incest between her father and her elder sister.
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