#EndSars: PANDEF condemns attack on protesters

Ugochukwu Iwuchukwu

The Pan Niger Delta Forum, PANDEF has condemned the attack on EndSars protesters by hoodlums and the use of force by the Nigeria Police Force in various cities across the Country.

PANDEF in a statement signed by its National Chairman, Air Commodore Idongesit Nkanga retired demands immediate halt of intimidation, harassment, and physical assault of young protesters who are peacefully demonstrating their frustration over how the affairs of the Country are being conducted.

“Pan Niger Delta Forum, PANDEF, condemns, in the strongest terms, the brutalization of Nigerian youths, in peaceful #EndSARS protests, by hired hoodlums, along with elements of the Nigeria Police Force, in various cities across the country, particularly, Abuja and Benin City, Edo State.

“PANDEF demands an immediate halt of these acts of intimidation, harassment and physical assault of well-meaning young Nigerians, who are peacefully demonstrating their frustration over how the affairs of their Country are being conducted. We further demand the commencement of unbiased investigations into these incidents, to swiftly bring to book, all those behind the criminal and undemocratic acts across the country.

“Nigeria belongs to all Nigerians, including the Youths who are protesting, to take back their rights as Citizens of their Fatherland. We will not sit and continue to see our children being wantonly brutalized or killed. Enough is Enough!”

Idongesit Nkanga also called for immediate commencement of unbiased investigations into brutality on the protesters and bring to book, all those behind the criminal and undemocratic acts across the country.

PANDEF in the statement also frowned at the Operation Crocodile Smile exercise recently announced by the Army.

The statement described the Operation Crocodile Smile exercise as provocative and an unnecessary misadventure.

“PANDEF also deems the nationwide “Operation Crocodile Smile” exercise announced by the Army, as most provocative, and another unnecessary misadventure. It is our well-considered stance that soldiers have no business trying to do a “police” job, and, thus, do not have to get involved in the peaceful and intellectual #EndSARS Protests! They are, rightfully, more needed in the North East and North West, where Boko Haram and bandits are making life unbearable for citizens.

“The soldiers and police are already aggravating the situation and the whole thing may implode into a national crisis, the outcome of which nobody can tell, except that it will benefit nobody. You cannot oppress people continually and expect them to remain quiet forever. The youths have their grievances and, constitutionally, and democratically, have every right to protest. There is a generation of intelligent Youth, and they are not violent, not destroying anything. It is the thugs and hoodlums hired to assault the youths and their allies that are causing the destruction”.

The National Chairman of PANDEF, Air Commodore Idongesit Nkanga, however, called on President Muhammadu Buhari to quickly address the issues raised by the protesters so as to quell the on-going protest across the nation.